Expert Endodontist In Bangalore

Endodontic Advanced Dental treatments

We offer the entire range of modern endodontic therapies to keep your teeth healthy and beautiful for your entire life. Get an overview here of the types of treatments we offer, in Endodontic Therapy & Root Canal Therapy.

We diagnose and treat pulpal and periradicular pathology.

Root Canal Treatment

What Is Root Canal Treatment?

When you have a cavity in your tooth and the decay reaches the nerve or “pulp,” bacteria enters the tooth. A root canal (endodontic therapy) is necessary to removed the bacteria and preserve your tooth.

A root canal is a procedure where the inflamed or infected pulp is removed and the canals of the tooth are cleaned and shaped. A fill material is then used to seal the inside of the tooth. If left untreated, an abscess can form and infection can spread to other teeth.

After your root canal is complete, a temporary filling is placed. Your tooth will need a crown or permanent restoration. Upon completion by the general dentist, your tooth becomes functional again.

Root Canal Re-Treatment

What Is Root Canal Re-Treatment?

If you have had a root canal and discomfort or pain persists, or it later becomes apparent, a retreatment may be necessary. A retreatment may also be required even if you do not experience pain.

A root canal retreatment is a procedure where the existing root canal filler is removed and the canals are re-shaped and re-cleaned. Additional canals may also be detected and treated accordingly. The tooth root is re-sealed, preventing further infection and abscess formation.

Advanced microscoptic imaging may be necessary to detect lateral canals and sclerosed or calcified root structures. Your endodontist will assess if your tooth will need retreatment and discuss the prognosis of your outcome.

The tooth will be temporized during your healing phase, and a permanent restoration will be needed to finalize the preservation of your tooth.


What is Apicoectomy?

An apicoectomy is the surgical removal of a residual abscess and the placement of a root-end filling to seal the tooth root while preventing recurrent infection. The endodontist will assess if this procedure is necessary for the preservation of your tooth.

Tooth and Root Fractures

Perforation Repair

Tooth and root fractures vary in size, severity and type. Some fractures can be repaired and some are non-restorable.

Your signs and symptoms will help us determine the severity of your situation. The endodontist will then run various tests to confirm the size, depth, and type of fracture to provide you with the most accurate diagnosis. Advanced microimaging inside your tooth root may be necessary to confirm your treatment outcome.

If a tooth or tooth root has a mild crack, microfracture, or perforation, a repair can often be performed to retain your tooth. The structure is sealed to preserve the dentition.

Calcified or Sclerotic Canals

What Is Calcified Or Sclerotic Canals?

Calcification of the root canal system occurs naturally as the tooth ages. However, if a tooth is subjected to traumatic events, increased deposition of tooth structure can occur occluding/blocking the root canal system.

At our practice we have dental operating microscopes and ultrasonic instruments that are critical in the successful treatment of calcified root canal systems.

Trauma and Avulsed Teeth

What Is Avulsed Teeth?

Accidents happen! Teeth can get knocked out or pushed into the gingiva. When this occurs, the nerve connected to the tooth becomes severed. The tooth may need a root canal, as well as splinting to retain the tooth in the site of injury.

If the tooth remains untreated, it may become necrotic and an infection can form. Signs of this may involve pain, swelling, exudate, bleeding, gingival fistula, unusual taste, and darkening of the tooth.

(not all symptoms are always present)

Dental Implants

Evaluation For Dental Implants

If a tooth is non-restorable and a root canal can not be performed, losing your tooth isn’t the end of the line. Your Dentist will talk to you about your treatment options.

An evaluation for dental implants can be completed. This includes an assessment of your medical history, jaw joint evaluation, gingiva, and bone structure. We then discuss about the prognosis of your recommended treatment.

Please ask us about recommended treatment options, that we perform on Dental Implants. Our goal is to provide as much information to you as possible to help you make the right decision with your dentist, and for your overall oral health.

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